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To celebrate his 5-month-birthday, I decided it was a good time to try non-rice cereal solids. Dr. J. suggested green veggies, then orange, so we started with green beans. I've heard many kids aren't in to the green ones and much prefer sweet potatoes and squash. But we're off and running! Tommy ate the whole container- and this was his reaction after finishing!
Seriously, is about the most fun website ever! It's super easy to play with color and focus. I could spend all day editing Tommy pictures. Here's my latest creation: Red Flannel Baby! Miranda rocks for introducing me to this site. And it's spreading like wildfire here at A3N!
When Tommy was first born I couldn't figure out why we had all these rattles and keys and stuffed animals for him. Now I know why! He LOVES playing with his toys. He can squeeze his Baby Einstein duck and play music. He loves to put the surfing duck in his mouth. And he loves his "Taggies" toy from cousins Lorrie and Charlie he loves to shake it and pull on the tags.

So all my mom wanted for Mother's Day was a picture of Tommy with his cousin Riley! This was easier said that done! We finally managed to contain almost-two-year-old Riley with her boundless energy and little Tom who can't sit up on his own yet, on a blanket. Thank goodness Riley's dad is so great with the camera! As many shutter clicks as he could fire off in a few seconds and we got a good shot! Then Riley was off again to giggle and play in the grass. Getting a good shot of the family wasn't easier, either. Tommy did just fine, but Marc and I had a hard time not squinting in the son. An adventurous and worthwhile afternoon! We'll try another Tommy/Riley photo session when Tom's a bit older!
Here he is: the morning after his birth, the "Guy" this blog is all about: Thomas Guy Haire! I hope to post pictures and updates frequently, but let's be real: I'll do it when I have time! Welcome and wish me luck on this new project!